Beware that this place may sell you unnecessary invasive procedures.
Ironwood told my mother that she may have MGUS, so she needed to undergo a bone marrow biopsy to confirm. This news sent the entire family into panic mode! Fortunately my mother went to the Mayo Clinic to get a second opinion before getting the bone marrow biopsy at Ironwood. Mayo performed just blood tests and concluded that the 'risk of progression to cancer is 1% per year'. No invasive bone marrow biopsy was done at Mayo. Three years later, Mayo still performs just blood tests once a year (and NO bone marrow biopsy!) to monitor my mother.
To be fair, my mother said that her doctor at Ironwood was very compassionate and was a 'nice guy'. No wonder he can sell anything to vulnerable people! People should trust their doctors. Unfortunately, some bad apples are just in the profession for the money.