I was not impressed by there door-to-door sales tactic. They are not welcome into the Running Horse @ Arrowhead community. They seemed shady with starting the conversation "Did you receive a free jug of water yesterday at your door-step?" Reply: "What? No." - "Oh, well have you heard of Sparkletts Water?" Reply: No. - "Well do you buy water.." and this goes into their sales pitch about how it's just $6 for a jug water and now seeing a post review below regarding "they keep dropping water off... and charging", well it's quickly realized how much of scam this company is.
I even politely asked for a business card and they were unable to provide one. That's a great tactic to stay anonymous and continue scamming unexpected individuals at their houses.
Sparkletts Water Employees: Please obey to "No soliciting" signs. Your not welcomed at my doorstep.