| - I had mixed emotions about Bella Vista, had considered telling one of my families about it, because they are considering moving their loved one, who I work with 3 times a week.
However, I was there to see a resident, which I have worked with about 6 times previously.
Moments after I got there, my poor client got violently ill, she was vomiting everywhere and all over herself, the floor, the chair, you name it, I think the vomit hit it. Sadly, she was taken to to the hospital later in the day after the RN showed up (which I called) to assess her. I got her in the shower and to bed. After that, I went out to the desk area, the normal man must have been on break, so a woman named Evelyn from the management office was covering for him. Evelyn REFUSED to help me, the client/patient/resident. I asked for help in cleaning up all of the vomit (they provided cleaning to residents weekly, so a resident doesn't normally keep cleaning supplies). Evelyn repeatedly told me "she is independent living" and "on her housekeeping day, she would get help" she proceeded to tell me this about 5 times, NEVER asking who was sick, if she was ok, do we need to call 911, I will get you some assistance, what can can I do to help, omg a resident is very sick???....she asked NOTHING, showed ZERO concern for the poor sick 90 yr old. Again, just told me "she is independent living" and "they can not assist".... I was FURIOUS and told her so. I told her she was very callous and rude. I also told her I would leave this review and would tell everyone I came in contact with about her behavior and lack of concern for a resident. This resident was hospitalized a few hours later for 6 days. Is this how you want you mom or dad or loved one treated?? Evelyn's behavior and lack of concern and her rudeness are unacceptable!!! I was perfectly willing to clean up the mess (and I did) I just needed the tools to do so. I love seniors and work with them fulltime only because I enjoy them. I consider Evelyn's behavior elder abuse. Needless to say, I have told every family I work with about this, several DRs and RNs. I guess my mixed emotions on Bella Vista were right. I work a few times a week at 3 other assisted living facilities and even the one I consider the lowest of low would have came running if one the residents were sick. I called my clients family and told them what had happened, they were furious and called Bella Vista the next day. The clients family has thanked me several times via text (they are in another state). The family let me know a couple of days later that the carpets were cleaned, but only because they complained. Do NOT send your mom or dad or loved one to Bella Vista, how would you feel if this were the treatment they received?
It's 6 days later and I am still upset with their lack of concern for their resident, my client.
What would have happened to her had I not been there???
I work with seniors because I care about them. It is a choice for me. I have an affinity for them.