| - Parking: Free (if you ride a motorcycle, there's a spot literally across from the venue). Otherwise look for underground Green P parking $8 Flat rate.
Venue: Really big, I mean REALLY BIG. You could get lost in the place, there's an outdoor patio too.
Washrooms: Very small, (for the Men's experience). 3 Urinals, 1 stall, 2 sinks. Considering how big the venue is, you may find yourself waiting in line to use the bathroom. Not sure if there were other washrooms in the restaurant.
Experience: The waitress messed up by giving away our second booth to another group, so we were moved to a slightly bigger booth. Then we were shuffled around again to a bigger table (which worked out for the best. Since the large dining table fared better than 2 separate booths for our party size).
The waitresses were all tattooed up, which is my kind of waitresses since I'm a biker. The cutlery didn't have a nice shine to them, so I requested using disposable wooden chopsticks.
Everyone at this venue seemed to show up dressed really well in suits, you would swear there was some sort of dress code to get into this place but that's not the case you can show up casual. Our group said they felt under-dressed for the place.
We had dinner there and I ordered their 'Roasted Mushroom Bolognese', and it was good. The 'Cajun chicken' was a popular pick at our table. The price for your dish is something you would pay at a Jack Astor's/Milestones/Montana's/Kelsey's. So it's within reasonable price range and not ridiculously over-priced like a high-end restaurant, even though the place looks like one.