| - I am a massive fan of Fresh. In fact, I own a "Fresh #1" foam finger. Strange to some people, but completely normal to me. This place is where it's at if you're looking for an uber healthy snack, meal, or smoothie.
During my frequent trips to Fresh at their various locations around Toronto, I have tried a wide variety of their items. Not exactly a difficult task considering everything not only reads like a slice of heaven, it often tastes like it too. The menu is completely vegetarian/vegan, and while I do enjoy eating meat once in awhile, I do not miss it in the slightest when I'm seated and carefully eyeballing their selection of treats. From their tasters, such as sweet potato french fries and quinoa onion rings, to massive burgers and wraps, Fresh does not f$%# around. Especially when it comes to their salads, which are knee deep and filled with anything from marinated organic tofu to jicama and chickpeas.
If you're a health nut, you'll likely go bonkers for this place. It doesn't disappoint and you'll walk away knowing you did your body some good...until the night ends in tequila shots of course.