The most family oriented work out place in town. We love the indoor family and warm water pools. The nursery staff is excellent. I like that when we come in to drop the kids off at the nursery, they greet us by our first names. I love the infrared sauna they recently put in.
One advice I would give to people who are considering of joining is that you don't have to get the most exclusive membership like gold cove, if you are only going to work out on the machines. We have gold cove, the most expensive membership which allows you to have exclusive access to outdoor water park during summer and most of the group fitness classes offered in the club but we hardly go to group fitness class and hardly go to outdoor water park. The water temperature is still cold even it is 80 degrees out. This past summer, we went to the outdoor water park maybe two- three times the most and stayed out no more than half hour. So, it really isn't worth to have a gold cove unless you know you are looking for specific classes with GC membership.
The parking and getting the machine to work out can be a problematic during winter months between 4:30-7:00PM. Sometime, you may have to wait 15-20 minutes for the machine to free. If that's the case, you can go sit in the sauna until some people leave. So, I would suggest go there early in the morning or late in the evening but then if you are bringing along your little ones you run into problems with daycare after nursery is closed. They have a restaurant that offers supposedly healthier food but we never had any luck with the food there. The taste is okay and price is a little bit on the high end for the amount you get.