My 33 year old brother was brought in to Desert Banner one week after iliostomy surgery (He got a bag) for emergency blockage on Thanksgiving day. Never mind that Dr. Kistner had the rudest bedside manner I have ever seen. Forget the fact he refused to do anything to medically assist my brother, just made sure he was kept alive until his regular surgeon returned 5 days later.
The kicker was that while I was sitting there watching, the doctor stuck his finger in the (newly stiched) stoma and levered it hard up and down, then side to side. He then pushed the entire stoma down into my brother's belly and up. Since he had splashed excrement everywhere, the doctor quickly drug a washcloth through the mess while saying "This looks very troubling" under his breath, and quickly walked out of the room while slinging the cloth against the wall. No explanation or talk of a plan. We were so amazed at his lack of regard for the other humans in the room. My brother was in pain after that examination so I tried not to dwell on Dr. Kistner being a jerk.
Later in the day my brother noticed upon bag change that the stiches were ripped and excrement was coming through the new tear, not the stoma itself. No one had touched him after the doctor and he was too sick to even get up to urinate; he hadn't moved. When told about it when he finally came back 3 days later, Dr. Kistner roughly said "You need to talk to Dr. Sahai about it. I see nothing wrong."
Dr. Sahai ended up removing his stoma, re-cutting the intestines and doing another stoma. Had to redo the whole thing because this baffoon of a doctor basically ripped the stoma off of his abdomen during that brutal exam. We have pictures and video. Don't let Dr. Robert Kistner touch you.