I love N.Y. style pizza. Could eat it every day. On a recent to trip to Pittsburgh I tried alot of pizza and this was good pizza.
One thing about Pitt pizza... it is slightly different than true NYC style: the crust is not as thin and there's a whole lot more cheese. As a rule Pitt pizza also has a slightly sweeter tomato sauce. The sum of its parts is still a delicious close cousin to NYC pizza.
The pizza I tried in Pitt in my order of favorites:
Pizza Sola (Penn Circle Branch)
Pizza Perfectta
Aiello's (Murray Street)
Save for Beto's, I thought they were all delicious. Wish I had a chance to try Mineo's. A Pittsburgh native friend of mine calls this his favorite but they were closed July 5th when I went by their place on Murray... I'll try them next time I'm in the 'burgh.
Pizza Perfectta has a few stools and a counter but really it is a take-out place.