TERRIBLE place even with different management over the years ...still a piece of crap complex! I was ecstatic when I left this place FIVE years ago. 3 diff apts later, they are randomly saying I owe them money (which I don't). They tacked on bogus electricity charges to my CLOSED account a whole month AFTER I had moved out! The asst. manager/account manager Danessa Ward is a big uncaring mouthy b***h! They tried saying it was sold to collections in 2011, but of course NO COLLECTION company had ever had such account. They are frauds! Even when asked to produce electricity statements to validate charges & date of usage: "well ....the account is so old so idk if we have it. I'll get back to u". Have they? Of course not. Bogus a** company! I'm reporting them to BBB & contacting corporate! Property manager Rickeeva was at least respectful but wasn't concerned with these bogus charges either! Complex hasn't changed since I left years ago! Still overcharges u on electricity! Gate still chooses when it wants to work or not! Still ratchet/hood! Still unsafe! I have nothing good to say about this raggedy establishment! Hated it during my lease & still hate it now!