Just like others before me I must agree that the service is above average. It was like I was eating at my grandma's. However, I'm not too sure if the service would be as great if you didn't speak Cantonese/Mandarin. Didn't get a chance to test her English as I was speaking Cantonese with her but based just on the waitresses personality I would have to guess the service would be just as great. She was very personal and very easy to speak with plus she always had a huge smile.
As for the food it was pretty decent. Nothing mindblowing but comparable to other Japanese ramen places. She asked if I was feeling hungry when I put through my order and naturally I said yes since I'm such a big eater. She then said she would put some extra rice for me. That was so sweet of her. I got the basic pork ramen with grilled salmon rice bowl combo for $15.50. There were huge pieces of pork and the ramen was nice and chewy. Soup was very good and not overly salty so totally drinkable. The salmon was diced up into small pieces and served on rice with crispy seaweed.
They also have a lot of sushi options but didn't get a chance to try. The layout of the store is small and only had bar stool seating. Even the table seats were bar stools so it was difficult to find a spot to put my winter jacket. So I just ended up squishing it under my rear end and let it hang down the bar stool.
An extra 0.5 for service
3.5 stars