I've got several friends living in the Landmark building, smack dab in the middle of the Central Ave construction madness. Each condo I've seen is pretty unique and each affords fantastic views to the south. What's cool is the 70ish culture of the edifice has been maintained and updated at the same time. It's old school high rise living, complete with doorman and valet. Yes, I said valet! How cool is that. Or would that just be annoying, I"m not sure. The party room is HUGE and is adjacent to the newly appointed pool. It looks like the West Elm catalog just threw up all over....I mean that in a good way, but it's ULTRA groovey with lots of lime, chocolate brown and anything swirly. The first floor has a tailor business (as reviewed by yours truly thank you very much) and will soon have a restaurant. Now, that would be the stink....live in a high rise and have a fab eatery a few flights down. I'll keep ya'll posted as to when the restaurant opens. The actual condo units I"ve been in aren't particularly large, but the space is laid out well and storage is abundant. My friend John's condo's balcony is the full length of his bedroom and living room with sliding doors from each room leading out to a glorious view. Can't wait to hang out, have him cook for me and crack a few brews.