| - The wife and I eat breakfast out every weekend, and we're always looking for someplace new in the Chandler/Gilbert area, so we were excited to try Over Easy. We're early risers and arrived before 8 on a Saturday; we were seated immediately at a table on the patio, as requested.
The menu looked good, and I ordered the spinach loaf--the closest thing I could find to a signature dish. Imagine my surprise when the server came back a few minutes later to apologize and say they didn't have any--it would be ready in 25 minutes or so. Now, they open at 6, and the place was nearly empty, so how would you not have the signature dish ready to go an hour later?
Plan B was the Crying Pig. The omelet was good overall. It was seasoned well, tender, and cooked just right. My only complaints are that instead of using grated cheese, they just threw a slice of Swiss in before folding it over. This resulted in the cheese being inconsistently distributed; it was a rubbery glob at the center of the omelet. The onions needed a few more minutes in the skillet, too--they were still a bit crunchy and had no color to them at all. The hash browns were perfectly griddled but bland; a little salt fixed that just fine.
Coffee is always a gamble for me. I love good black coffee, but the first time I go to a restaurant I always ask for cream and sugar in case it doesn't cut it. This morning's brew was cream-and-sugar stuff.
The Boss ordered the eggs with sauteed mushrooms. The mushrooms were porcinis, hardly the wild 'shrooms on the menu, but we both knew "wild" would mean dried, so it was no big deal. But call a duck a duck for goodness sake. The mushrooms were really good, with fresh thyme, but there were way too many for the two eggs. Her sweet potato tots were nothing special. Probably poured from a bag into the fryer and artificially sweet. They were fried nicely, but fell flat; we should've known better...
When the server brought our check, she let me know she had comped my omelet because they didn't have the spinach loaf. Nice gesture, but I ordered something I wanted and it was fine. This kind of knee-jerk reaction always seems to me like a restaurant expects a complaint and is just acting defensively. Honestly, it almost cost them a star, because it just felt like a desperate move.
So, in the end, the food was fine, but not good enough to make our regular rotation--and certainly not what I'd consider a destination for breakfast.