This place sucks. The check in process is disorganized ( and they waste even more time asking questions about Ebola. EBOLA!! When was the last confirmed case in the US? 2015?!! ) and the donor floor is disorganized to the point that I've spent 20 minutes on the bed to get stuck and almost as long to get disconnected ( For one donation on a relatively slow morning it took me two and a half hours to get in and out ). Half the people sticking the donors don't do a good job and I've had an uncomfortable needle in my arm several times now. You constantly are dealing with people playing their music in line and on the donor floor and I've had people cut the line, start a bunch of shit for doing so and no one does anything.
And it may seem petty but when they lance your finger they don't deal with the cotton ball to stop the blood ( there's a trash can on the exit but it's not one approved for items with blood on them ) nor do they offer you a band-aid in case you haven't stopped bleeding. Seems like such a simple thing but they don't even seem to care about it.
Some of the employees are friendly but they're not happy and like I mentioned, it seems to show in their work. To me it seems like a management problem and they really need to improve a lot before this place gets any better.