Had a regular pedi and mani. They use some sort of drops before you leave the salon. Never told me what it was for. Never asked if I wanted these magical drops applied.
Weeks later I go to remove my toe polish since it had chipped. And my toe nails were all damaged!
Not sure if the nail polish was old.. or it was from the drops that they use. So so upset!
I've left nail polish on for longer periods of time and never had my toe nails been damaged.
My toe nails are now thin and very sensitive!
I will not go back. And I do not need a response back from the salon!
I had picked an essie nail polish and my nail lady told me to pick another brand because the one i picked wasnt good. So not sure if they know their polishes are old and just continue to leave them on their display
Please drive up the block and go to another nail salon.