| - So, I thought I was a mechanic. Do this. Unbolt this. Break the tab off that panel. Throw a wrench. Etc.
So, I undertook replacing my A/C compressor.
I did it. However, replacing any part of the A/C system is more than a simple plug-and-play. The line needs to be cleaned, evacuated, leak checked, and then finally charged.
People who do this for a living have some pretty spiffy equipment to help them do this. All which is, of course, pretty expensive.
So, I physically replaced my compressor... but still needed all the other stuff done too. Great. Enter ADS.
They actually needed to remove the compressor to see if it had oil in it or if they needed to add some. So really, they redid all my work. Again, great, I oculd have saved myself some wrench throwing if they were going to do it all over again.
But, it's done. It cost me ~$650, which was half of what my main shop wanted... and it runs. By brother also had his condenser replaced... and it cost him about the same after parts.
Moral of this story - don't mess with A/C repair unless you have the equipment.