| - I used a Groupon to give this place a try. I like supporting local, privately-owned businesses and this location seemed to fit the bill. I'm also just branching out in trying some "pamper me" activities. I will also share that I'm a bit of a cynic and hope for the best but expect the worst. My first impression of the place is that it's on par with the few other spas I've visited. I especially like the leather couch in the cozy waiting area. After some short paperwork and even shorter wait, Robin came to get me for my first facial experience ever.
She was nice and pleasant, but I found myself a bit tense not knowing what the step in the facial process was going to be or what products were being used and why. I wanted to know a bit more about the process (yep, it was my first facial....crazy!) but also didn't want the hour to be one long informercial where I was pressured to buy the latest skin magic.
Once I shared with her that I have the personality type that does better with knowing a bit more of what is going on....a road map of the process, she adapted and shared enough information that kept me informed without doing the obvious 'up sell' thing. I like that she adapted to what obvious worked for me and what didn't (she didn't keep massaging parts of my feet that were ticklish).
What really impressed me about this place was at check out. Kathleen, the owner, happened to be up front. Being a small business owner myself, but in a very different profession, I asked her about her experiences with some advertising companies. She was so generous with her time and details of her experience. Her office was busy and I let her know that I didn't want to take away from the positive experiences of other customers. She assured me that her staff was great and that I wasn't inconveniencing her. And, she was right, her staff did appropriately and quickly take care of the other customers and I liked how she managed both her time in talking with me, but not to the exclusion of other folks.
I'm not sure I'm sold on the whole facial thing....seems excessive. However, that is strictly because of my personality and nothing that Robin did or didn't do. Should I ever venture back into the land of "pamper me", I will give TofTM a first shot at providing that experience.