I'm not a big fan of Clyde's as a bar. More often than not, it's overrun with cegep kids. But as a restaurant, it's still a place I don't mind going. I'm not sure why, though. I think it's because I live close by and they make good fries. Other than that...meh. The service is crap. It takes ages to get your (overpriced) food, and for some reason the waiters seem hell-bent on taking away your plate before you're finished eating. Seriously, if I'm still picking at my fries and my friend isn't even finished her sandwich, don't try to whisk my plate away! Just ridiculous.
Now that Ye Olde Orchard has opened up down the street, I'll probably be going to Cyde's even less. Granted, the last time I went to Y.O. Orchard it was packed and the service was abysmal, but I blame that on it being new. Right now it still seems like a better bet than Clyde's.