Oh thank heaven indeed!
My favorite "candy store" growing up as a kid. Now that I live in a newer part of town, you don't see 7-Elevens on every corner. I was very excited to have a brand new one built down the street!
Most 7-Elevens aren't in tip top shape and tend to be a hang out for Las Vegas' finest. (Sarcasm) The one down the street is clean, neat and has a well lit parking lot. Also I love that every time I go into this 7-Eleven its always 1 of the 3 usual faces I see behind the counter. Each one playing their favorite music on the radio, even singing along! Every time I take the kids for slurpees after school, the worker up front always says "HI" and smiles.. HOORAY FOR 7-Eleven! Or should I say OH THANK HEAVEN!?