My fiance had an appointment with Dr. Perry today, 6/23/16. It was a very unprofessional and unpleasant experience to say the least. The visit was for evaluation of pain due to a worker's compensation injury. He has pain in multiple areas and is suffering at 9/10 pain on a daily basis. At the end of visit, Dr. Perry had 1) prescribed him a medication (Diclofenac) without asking if he had already had a trial of that medication or mentioning that he was even giving him a prescription 2) offered him a weight loss brochure (that he never received) for someone that is 6'2" and 200#'s, 3) reduced his light duty modifications from previous physician. No other treatment was recommended or given.
We addressed our concerns regarding the quality of treatment received and I asked if he cared how much pain he is in on a daily basis. Sending him to work with no light duty will cause a re-injury due the heavy labor type of job he is in (This is his 2nd injury at the same job due to working under conditions he should not be while injured). His response was that "he he does not apologize" (sorry, but not sorry) for our frustrations. He did not receive any kind of treatment or help in any way from this physician. There was no recommendation to ice/heat the area, no steroid injection, MRI...he did nothing!
I always thought doctor's had to take an oath of "Do No Harm" to their patients when they became a doctor. He must've missed that day. We are doing everything we can to see another doctor after this initial visit.