The mall that time forgot... literally. There are quite a few anchor stores here that make it perfect for the quick pair of jeans or a Belk. But like the town of Gastonia, the mall has suffered most of its allure. In it's day, this mall would have been the place to go to get everything you need. Today, it's the perfect place to find a suit suitable for a pimp.
The mall is fantastic for the smaller chains like Hollister, AE and Aeropostale. The fact that they help raise money for local Gaston County schools is an even bigger reason to send some of your business their way.
Food court includes a Chick-Fil-A, Subway, an obscure Italian place I've never heard of, Big Easy, and the predictable Asian fast food.
The mall is surprising clean... although I can't always say the same thing for the people that shop here. If in a pinch and don't want to drive to Charlotte, then consider this an OK option.