| - Location is fantastic, as others have said, and being able to sit outside is an automatic bump up in stars.
But overall, I don't myself go back too often unless I'm in Oakland looking at it. The pizza is okay because it's fresh, but they don't know what margherita means. The 'Piggie Pie' with jam and pork is actually really good, and my favorite of the pizzas.
Drinks are expensive unless it's happy hour, and even then you have to be AT the bar, not seated in the restaurant, to get the happy hour price. Restrictions like this are really prohibitive, especially when the actual 'bar' is only ten feet long. Even the servers don't understand the policy, and I'm sure its effects get taken out mainly on them.
Overall: Okay food, busy & popular for its location. Never had a HUGE problem with service, aside from occasionally waiting a bit too long for some things.
PS - I personally understand the charge for bread service - I've worked in restaurants my whole life. I would personally never charge for bread, but OK, I get it. Even so, $4 for 'Farm Bread' with little tins of jelly and butter is a bit much.