If you read my first review of this store you would know I was planning on ordering a prime rib. Well I did on Friday for Sunday evening pickup along with 21 twice cooked baked potato's. When ordering I noticed there was something wrong with the guy taking the order, I later learned he was have an allergic reaction to something. When I get there on Sunday to pick up my order the butcher there was cleaning up for closing time and I tell him why I am there. He looks all over the place and can not find the order or evidence of one ever being made. So he with a smile and great attitude made up what we needed and got it to us quite quickly. This Butchers name I believe is Ed Peet, could be wrong about that but I think I am right.
So basically this review is about him, his great service and fantastic representation of his employer. Indeed five star service.
Oh and considering what was going on with the butcher who took the original order I can understand how it got forgotten. The poor guy looked pretty bad.