Fiori's is a pretty decent option for a pie. Nothing is offensive about their pizza, so it would appeal to most tastes, but that said, there are some issues with that approach that make it hard for Fiori's to compete in my mind with Mineo's or Aiello's. First is that there's nothing stand out special about the pie. The sauce is inoffensive, but sort of bland. Not overly seasoned. The crust at the end is good, but before you get to that, all the bread has been saturated with grease from the cheese or pepperoni, which is well seasoned but often a bit too charred for me. Some may prefer a crisper pepperoni, so that would suit their tastes. The cheese is not overwhelming, but it's also not particularly special.
This is just a middle of the road pizza to me. Nothing great, nothing terrible. Sometimes that's all you need.