| - I have a beautiful Flowering Magnolia tree that had been infected with a scale parasite. The tree was near dying. I've tried for 3-4 years to kill the insect myself, but it never went away. I've spent at least $100 on chemicals, sprays and other treatments. I finally decided to call the pros. Mick cane over at a time convenient to me, was very knowledgeable, professional, yet friendly enough to have a conversation. He worked out a treatment plan, and said this is how it's gonna go. That was how it went, too. You can't treat this bug at any given time. It has to be when the insect is reproducing so you can kill a whole generation. It took 2-3 treatments like he said it would. This year, the tree really recovered nicely. The blooms were beautiful, and the neighbors even commented.
Unfortunately, nature has other plans, and I noticed one branch has sprouted a few of the nasty little bugs. I called Cap City Trees, and they scheduled Mick to come out and have a look as soon as he can. I'm not upset at CCTE that the bugs came back. I would have been completely amazed if they hadn't. I am impressed how small the relapse is, and am fully confident it will be wipes out this time.