| - I like this beach. Mostly because the water isn't too too dirty on a clear day if it hasn't rained recently. I like the ride there and the bike paths. But WHAT is WITH the people on the recreation trail thinking that it's a place to stop and hang out with their kids? With cyclists and fruit booters galore, it's not the place to lollygag unless you want to be taken out! If you're a pedestrian, use the boardwalk, please, and don't shake your fist at me for ringing my bell to let you know I'm coming. I'm doing you a favour by not running over you and your children.
Although the sand is nice, there is never a shortage of d-bags here. Beatless Night at the Roxbury music, coupled with bad tats and loose tatas make me ill. As if this 'music' on the beach wasn't painful enough, a boat anchored on the shore in front of us blasting more of this douchey music. Come on, who listens to this stuff for pleasure? It's just to get looked at: Look at me: I'm super short and have a small penis so I bought a boat and spend 3 hours at the gym every day. Oh, and I listen to terrible tunes... but at least you're looking at me...
Next time, I will bring earplugs and an airhorn-- oh, and a blindfold!