| - I have had THREE issues at this gym and I have only been a member for about 2 months.. I only signed up to workout with someone who has a membership and is specifically working with me.. I am now out over $300 for missed sessions with her due to the incompetence of LVAC, and not only that, but I called ahead of time to get the info necessary... Each time I was told something different over the phone than in person.. I had to rearrange my days to work my schedule into play and then the staff go and screw up everything.. I am not a complainer nor do I write many reviews.. It takes A LOT for me to sit here and waste my time... But this was horrible.. The day care people did zero to help me, and then told me they said something different over the phone.. Right, that makes sense cause I thought it would be fun to come in and waste my time and pretend I was told something different and try to weasel my way around.. I told the lady on the phone that my nephew was in town visiting me and what were the rules to be able to bring him in.. I was specifically told that I could bring my nephew in for a 5$ fee and they wouldn't ask for shot records the first time. But anytime thereafter, he would have to have shot records.. So when I got there they sent me to the front to pay and then had to come back, we were all signed in and she had a paper I had to fill out, which she never mentioned, but that was fine with me and then she tells me that I can't go in if I don't have his shot records.. I repeated word for word what was said to me on the phone.. She said I was talking to her and that she was talking to me about a membership... NOPE, there wasn't even a way to misconstrue what I was asking over the phone.. She kept trying to "look him up" in the system, even though she was repeatedly told he was visiting from out of state. Apparently she doesn't listen, however she was sure of the fact that she was right in what she told me over the phone... Sooo, literally third time having an issue I decided to talk to management.. I am so sick of that place.
So when I went over to talk to management, justifiably irritated, he was less than helpful.. Rude and could have cared less that I, the customer, was unhappy... It took THREE times for me to finally say something, and when I do they just tell me to call the corporate office.. I am not happy there one bit.. The gym is so over crowded and I have to go at the earliest hours, just to try and get a little space to workout.. But, I was going to suck it up, thought it couldn't be that bad and it was better than nothing.. Well, I was wrong.. I would rather not work out at all, then go to this awful place and deal with the awful management. He told me that its obvious this happens to me because I have such bad energy and he's been doing this for 20 years and he knows how to treat people.. Well, if you are so amazing, then why are you just sales management at a gym. I am in the service industry and sales and know when someone is frustrated or just an asshole.. I was clearly just frustrated while he was being an asshole.. bums me out to have to deal with this actually... As most of us, we lead busy lives.. The gym is supposed to be the one place to give us an outlet, and instead LVAC is my stress.. 2 1/2 months and I am beyond regretting signing up here.. :(