This is a spectacular watering hole. If you are visiting Charlotte, this is a must see. The patio is one of the most unique and comfortable outdoor drinking areas I've ever enjoyed a beverage in. I sat in an adarondack rocking chair while I chatted with my friends who were swinging on a porch swing. Also, the patio is dog friendly. There aren't a ton of TV's but just enough to catch anything important and they are all in great locations.
Inside is dimly lit with old beer signs and you hear the relaxing sound of running water coming from above... What the...? YES that is a waterfall in the rafters! I haven't got the story on this yet, but all I know is that it is rad. I'm also a little jealous I didn't think of it first.
The staff here is ridiculously friendly and fun to talk to and the prices are right where they should be. The only other dive bar as good as Smokey Joe's is The Thirsty Beaver. A perfect evening or hot summer day for me would involve a visit to both.