I have rented from this locale at various times over the years and have never had an issue. I work in media and since we own a magazine and two websites plus do a radio show and syndicate to six newspapers, We often travel to California or Las Vegas to cover conventions or other events It is just easier to use a rental for trips and we always had good service with them until now.
I made a reservation through Orbitz and was booked with our car with unlimited miles. I stood in line 35 minutes and the person in line with me indicated I was up next. I went to the counter and the rep said "Well I guess I do not need a break then". I said I am sorry I thought I was up but can wait. He said "no I did not need a bathroom break after all". In order to speed things up I handed him my license and card and said I do not need an upgrade nor insurance and I will fill it up on my own as I usually do. He looked at me and said "you are aware of our local renters policy" I said yes and handed him my insurance on my phone. He said "Its a $350 deposit". I said ok that is what the card is for. Higher than usual but ok. He then said "You do not get unlimited miles only 150 a day". I asked since when since we have always had unlimited miles from them and that is what our reservation said. He said well its a new policy. I said well it is not displayed anywhere in your locale and do you not think this should be disclosed. He was indifferent so I said look I am not going to do this as we have to drive to Las Vegas and I have already waited in line 35 minutes. He said "Try Payless then". I wrote the company via their website and I still have not had any reply five days later. We have a trip planned next month with another company and when I called them they seemed horrified about this and assured me they have now and will always do unlimited miles regardless if we are local renters or not. Guess who is not getting any more of our business?