Bad business!
About a year ago I had an issue with my refridgerator not cooling/ freezing properly. I contacted Mr. Cabrera and he responded immediately to take care of the issue. About 8 months later I observed my fridge displaying the same issue as before. I contacted this company again hoping they would provide me with some kind of discount since I was having the same issue that he supposedly corrected before. He did not, he told me it was outside of the warranty period and I would need to pay full price. I didn't totally agree, but I somewhat understood his plight. He again fixed it, it worked for two days before breaking again! I called him, he said he would come to take care of it the next day. This was a month ago, I haven't seen him since! BAD BUSINESS!!
If you are unsure about which company to trust with your appliances. .Keep looking! Im Positive you won't get quality service for your hard-earned $$ with this one.