I actually really dislike shopping here but I have to because Safeway's prices are outrageous and there is nothing closer..
I would usually go here early in the morning before work but this time I went at night to buy milk..
During checkout, my husband and I were completely ignored, not a hello or anything. We got our bag and started to leave. Then I heard this insanely loud sound and looked back. All the cashiers gathered around laughing that one of the cashiers farted.. Eew! I don't want to shop somewhere where the workers are so open to their bodily functions next to food, freaking gross!
Then walking out in the parking lot there was a group of teenagers and mid 20's buying and selling what looked like meth. They were right next to my car and I looked around to call security over but he was off lolligaggin fiddling around riding an electric shopping cart back to the store.... Some security! -_-