So the details on this place are REALLY hazy. I should've wrote this review when I got back to the room. But I do know I had a good time. Lemme see what I remember.
Shuffling into an Elevator, going UP! Getting off the elevator...don't know, don't remember and don't care if we paid...feeling like I'm walking into the beginning of the first Blade know the Human walking into a party FULL of vampires. Good thing the blood bath didn't happen. Losing my friends but found a new one who was lost too, she looked good too, she must've been drunk too (yay for female beer goggles!) cause we struck up conversation over being at the TOP of Palms partying with a SICK view of the Strip. Going to find our friends, talking to a French dude about Vegas, finding friends and then stumbling into a cab back to MGM.
It was for sure fun times that night, the crowd was cool, full of energy and everyone was feeding off of the same vibe. Next time I'll go there a bit more sober cause there was plenty of eye candy to peep.
This place is crowded chip in for a Table on the 2nd level, call ahead.
The Bar is crowded as hell
10 minutes into this done LOST JMC and Mikey!!!