these people suck. don't shop here if you want your furniture soon. we struggled to find anything we liked that was in stock. any special orders take 3 months or more. we finally found two chairs that were scheduled to be in stock today (July 26th) and decided to make the purchase July 19th. One week wasn't the end of the world. I just found out that it will not be until Aug 1st until they can deliver. For a store that doesn't seem to have any product, it seems like that is a long wait. They had 4 chances to level set my expectations and still led me to believe that they will be delivered on or around the day they had the product. It also took them almost an hour to figure out how to apply our in store rebate we earned to our order which was frustrating and excessive. Steinhafels by the way had comparable net prices and the selection was not only greater but also in stock.