| - Staying here right now and exchanged my Marriott Timber Lodge week for a week here. One thing I really like about the Marriott's is that everyone has a very similar feel to it...makes you instantly feel comfortable if you visit or own Marriott weeks.
It's just a few hundred feet off the strip, no casino on the grounds, but has the typical excellent service staff that is polite, easy going, and gets you taken care of quickly. Depending on what side of the tower you're in you'll either see a good view of the airport (kinda boring I know but I like the planes taxi-ing all over, or different views of the strip). Super clean room, quiet hallways, quick elevators, bar and pool on the roof, and a great off the strip jump-off point to start roaming.
We used the concierge a lot the first two days. The Marriott concierge always seem to be edging out every other concierge on the strip for good info. They don't have the same access to show tickets and such but they will get you any dinner reservation, car rental, or skinny on just about everything to do in Vegas. Dianne got us everything we needed and was incredibly helpful. Another A+ service from Marriott.
I am already an owner but I did go on another tour. While I didn't buy here at the Chateau I did buy a week in Panama City, Florida. The team here really is low to no pressure. I just travel a lot and it made sense...the sales/promos they had running this week were hard to pass up and I obviously didn't pass. You do get gifts if you're offered a tour or signed up for one. I did get $100 for my tour...I think you'll get $150 if a couple goes.
MARRIOTT IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL TIMESHARE HARD PUSH SALE ENVIRONMENT. They are relaxed and easy going...just be honest but fair with them. You'll probably spend 1 hour or so on a tour and expect to eat up 3-4 hours if you end up buying. Good thing is you can head across the street to the Miracle Mill shops for lunch or something while the paperwork is being created.
Now, there is always some question on should I rent a car or shall I not. I'd say don't get a car for a week. No need unless you want to be stuck in traffic a lot or plan on spending a lot of time out of Vegas. Marriott offers shuttles back and forth to the grocery store (we made almost every breakfast in the room, ate lunch in 3 times, and dinner in once). Eating in will save you a ton of cash.
Marriott also offers hourly FREE shuttles to the fashion park (near the Wynn). A few times we took the free shuttle to the park than caught a much cheaper cab ride to Fremont Street. Otherwise, we pretty much walked everywhere and that's good since you can start burning off all those calories you eat while you're here.
Typical taxi ride from Marriott area (includes Paris, MGM, Caesars, PH, and City Center (Mandarin/Aria)) will run you $20-$ ride from the Wynn/Fashion Park area should run you ~$10.
We did rent a car from Enterprise for a day (Toyota Camry) and paid ~$40. Took a trip to the Ethel M Chocolate Factory and Hoover Damn. That was worth it but everything else around The Strip/Fremont Street can be reached by free shuttles and quick cab rides. The car itself may be cheap to rent depending on what you get but add all the valet fees or parking fees (validation does help) things add up really quick.
Overall, Marriott is a 5 star place to stay. Good access, no smoking, clean rooms, friendly environment, top-notch service.