| - A small place on Craig that always seems to be full of people - you have to walk in single file, between two lines of tables to get to the cash register.
When my bf takes me here (almost once every visit - I love crepes), we usually end up having to make sure one of us grabs a table while the other orders. Upon placing the order, they give you a number, and the server will try to locate you when the food is ready. Kudos to their manuevering abilities.
I've never had much occasion to interact with the servers, so I can't speak much to the service...
...but the crepes are pretty good. The savory as well as the sweet. I wish I'd get more of the sweet, but I somehow can't bring myself to have crepes for both my meal and my dessert - it adds up, and, no, they're not really inexpensive. To lessen the guilt, I'd have to make sure I get one of the sandwiches for the meal instead - which are also quite good, but, oh, it's so hard to choose when all you're craving is that crepe!