I sent my mother, sister-n-law and bridesmaid here on the day of my wedding. I wanted to treat them to a professional blow dry style for my big day. I had been here before for my hair and was satisfied. This day however, I was so highly disappointed I have not been back since. All three of them had to have their hair be recurled by my makeup artist. I had to borrow the hotel's curling iron where I was having my wedding, and the make up artist recurled their hair. To this day my mother still talks about how awful her hair was. We have pictures to prove it for the rest of our lives. It was so flat, no body, no curl and no effort on the stylist's part. My mom says she asked the gal that was doing her hair to add curls and then the stylist talked her out of it. Why would you ignore the customer's request? Shame on this place. Although this happened quite a long time ago, I had to send in my review. This was my special day and you and your staff just couldn't get it right.