I contacted them via e-mail regarding a bridal up-do. Requested cost of trial and coming to my house the day of the wedding. First off took them a week to respond and person said the trial is $55-$60 but couldn't give me an exact price unless they knew exactly what up-do I was getting. Really? You're concerned over 5 bucks? Why not just quote me $60? And any other place I've contacted had a flat rate. They asked me how many people were getting their hair done that day. I said just me and they never bothered replying to my e-mail.
Guess, they're so busy they don't need the business! Way to go with customer service!! I will tell everyone I know not to bother with this place. All the other hair salons I contacted responded promptly with a price quote and had no problems with only myself doing their hair that day. With so many salons to pick from I will be going elsewhere.