I currently have a female cousin visiting me for the week and while here she wanted to get a haircut. She asked if anyone at Nogginz could work with curly hair and one of the hairdressers said she had experience. The process ended up taking two hours just to have the hair my cousin had been growing out for three years messed up beyond repair; the layers were not probably done, it ended up with more volume, and it looked extremely messy. My cousin came back to my place in tears because of this. She went back in today to have it fixed by the manager who only made excuses for her hairdresser. My cousin came in with beautiful long hair and ended up with a very short haircut to rectify the damage. On top of that, the other hairdresser avoided my cousin completely without even taking the time to ask if she was okay. I tried to give this place a chance myself considering its location, but these people (besides the manager and owner) come off as amateurs. I refuse to give them any service now and advise anyone else looking for a decent haircut to venture out of State Street to find a better place.