| - Cabin Fever is definitely my favourite used bookstore in Calgary. I first experienced this little gem over the fall, when I was looking for a copy of Michael Crummey's "Galore," and saw on abebooks that they had a copy! So happy I was brought in here.
I was greeted by a woman whom I assumed was the owner of the store. She was able to grab me my copy of "Galore" right away. When she asked if I needed anything else, I mentioned how I had just finished my English degree, and really wished to delve into more Canadian literature now that I had leisure reading time.
This launched us into a half hour conversation about all sorts of Canadian authors. The lovely owners of Cabin Fever really know their stuff! She had an extensive hardcover section of Canadian lit, as well as paperbacks. We also nerded out hard about Leonard Cohen. I recommended a quaint forty five minute documentary I had recently watched called "Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Leonard Cohen," and she proceeded to start watching it in the store while I was there, which kept me for a little while longer!
An hour or so later, I ended up leaving with a stack full of Canadian authors to check out, as well as a mint condition copy of Ted Hughes' "Wolfwatching." (Yes, I was going through a Hughes'-Plath phase at the time, having just finished a British Literature after 1950s course).
I love how I can go looking for something specific, and actually sometimes fiiiiind it at Cabin Fever, which I find to be a rarity at other bookstores I've experienced in the city. As displayed, one can also go in with nothing particular in mind, and still end up leaving with armfuls of books. I will continue to be a patron of Cabin Fever Books and have recommended it to most everyone I know since discovering it! How it could receive any rating below five stars will baffle me, as this completely embodies what a used bookstore should be. Thank you for keeping the independent book store scene alive, and supporting Canadian authors so strongly, Cabin Fever!
Oh yeah, and for any Leonard Cohen fans, that documentary I can be watched for freeee on the National Film Board website!: