| - I have agonized over this review for almost a week now. My husband brought our Norman (mastiff) in on a Monday morning. After determining that he was in too much pain for his ultrasound, they sedated him. While under sedation, he had an ultrasound and xrays taken, and the doctor drew fluid to see if there was infection, or whatever that tests for. According to her, every test came back showing no signs of anything. Her conclusion? He had a torn muscle. Keeps him on fluids all day and we pick him up on Monday evening. She sent him home with an anti-inflammatory, two antibiotics, and a pain killer. He was dead by Wednesday. Her diagnosis? Most likely poison. How the EFF did you miss that on Monday? And yes, I did speak to another veterinarian, and while he would not come right out and say the dr missed something, he drew in his breath and said, "I'm going to have to punt this one." As far as I am concerned, she missed her opportunity to save my dog and I am heart broken. What makes it worse? Someone has written a similar review on here about their cat. Shame on you Dr. T. My Norman was in your care for an entire day, sedated, and you come up with a torn muscle. Shame on you. And do NOT reply with, we are sorry for your loss, blah, blah, blah. You failed to do your job. Period.