WORST EXPERIENCE WITH A RETAIL STORE EVER!! The initial sale may go smooth but God help you if you need to get anything fixed after the fact. I bought a used computer and monitor there because they offer a warranty. What a mistake! I had to return to the store THREE TIMES just so I could have a working monitor cable only to discover I that the operating system (that comes with the computer) was corrupted. It took so long to remedy these BASIC issues, the "Manager" Ronald, actually expected me to take it to the depot because it had exceeded the "store" warranty! What a joke, I hadn't even been able to see it on! If the monitor worked the first time I set it up I would have discovered the operating system issue at that time, but they refused to acknowledge this. They said they reinstalled the OS for me but I have no confidence that this computer is anything more than a boat anchor and I'm out $300. If you call most of the time the phone is not answered and goes to a voicemail that is not initialized. Or, you can wait on hold and keep calling back. Yes, the store "Manager" says he "is well aware that the phone system has been that way for months". Great way to run a business. NEVER AGAIN!