| - It's a Dunkin' Donuts... I don't know what the commotion is about the coffee- ordered a medium ($1.79), black (no cream or sugar), and it's nothing special. Wait! Actually, I've had horrible coffee at fast food restaurants, casino employee cafeterias, planes, and hotel coffee pods, so scratch that. The coffee here is decent.
Asked the cashier if the old-fashioned and the chocolate coconut donuts were glaze- and powdered sugar-free, and she assured me two times yes, so I asked for one chocolate coconut donut (99 cents; "double chocolate" donut rolled in sweetened coconut flakes). (Photo coming soon!) It's good, but I see that it was glazed, so that the flakes had something to hold onto. I'm hoping that the organic apples (soluble and non-soluble fiber, y'know) I brought with me will help mitigate my allergic reactions.