The aggressive crowding at the door, and the host's muddling up the waiting order of parties, made for a hectic experience. we were told the wait would be 10 minutes. it was 35 minutes. our appetites soared, as did our lofty ideas of how the food might taste.
the fresh squeezed grapefruit jiuce was excellent, but they didn't post the fact it cost $4.50.
my eggs benedict were merely OK.
we had to ask twice for water, which arrived after our meal.
they were pretty glassy-eyed when i said i was gluten-intolerant, and asked for my meal without the english muffin. the server overcharged me for my side of potatoes that already was included with the meal.
i loved getting charged money for my allergy to wheat!
the one nice thing they provided was free coffee during the wait, but it was impossible to penetrate the crowd around the coffee pot, so we stood there with empty mugs.