I saw Dr. Chasby today and left crying and frustrated. I was severely bitten by a dog a few months ago and was left with a U shaped scar on my thigh. The dog was unleashed and the owner about 10 feet away in my apartment complex. I am now permanently marred by his animal.
I booked this appointment a few weeks ago and have been waiting. After filling out 10 min of paperwork I he literally looks at it for a minute and tells me that scar revision would not help the scar that I have. Mind you another doctor emailed me saying he could get it close to invisible for $2k.
Dr. Chasby told me that it was permanent but refused to make a record of his medical opinion which I needed for my law suit, saying it wasn't as bad as other scars he's seen. Just because it isn't as bad, doesn't mean it still isn't a permanent ugly bite mark on my body that I do not deserve and will have for life. It's my body, and I WILL BE THE ONE who decides what looks 'fine' on MY BODY. He then stated that he "could not give me extra padding if I planned to file a law suite." No sir, I am not requesting that. But I am requesting you make record of the professional opinion you gave me that I am indeed permanently scarred.
He then had the nerve to tell me that my legs looked great regarding their muscle tone attempting to distract me from my frustrated tears. This experience was completely unprofessional on multiple levels.
Thank you for wasting my time today Dr. Chasby.