Was first introduced to the company through our house warranty with one guard. As always, i am skeptical with companies that some insurance company chooses for me. They determined the problem after spending a half hour in the attic on a 120 degree day tracking down air returns, solved that which revealed a compressor problem. They advised me of getting a buyout on that unit from the warranty company which saved me nearly a grand on a totally new system and did a great job installing it. When the second system started to go, I had some time so I got 3 other quotes and ended up going back to Arizona Trademasters because not only did they have the best price for the same equipment, they had the relationship with One Guard so that i wouldn't have to go and try to get a buyout and refund on that system myself. It was totally seamless and today, about 4 weeks later, they called for my APS account number because I had two $250 rebates coming from the electric company. I could't be happier with Leonard and all six technicians that had worked at my house during that 3 week blazing heat period.