So it's Friday late afternoon and I decide to treat myself to a pedicure and see that this location is open. I walk into a completely empty nail salon with no music and the tvs aren't on either. I figure since I'm the only person they just didn't want to waste electricity on me. I sit down on a very pretty chair for my pedicure that is made for people that have really long legs or else you have to sit at the very edge of the pretty chair. As my pedicure starts I ask for red wine and receive white. More people come in and then more people and still no music or tv. After 10 people are here music finally gets turned on. My back is now killing me because I can't sit back in these awful chairs, but at least they're pretty, right? Wrong! I stack up pillows and still my back hurts and I'm sitting in a very strange leaning position and my back still hurts. So unless my legs grow 8 inches I will not be returning. And the music is off again.