| - Growing up in Vegas brings a lot of unique experiences, but one that I can't imagine living without is breakfast at the Omelet House. There are a few locations throughout the valley, and the quality is the same across the board. The omelets are freakin' HUGE. We're talkin' the size of your head HUGE, and they're the best made omelets in town as well. I watched my (very hungover) roommate once eat an entire one because of the busboy's soft and slightly degrading exclamation of, "Oh, and you almost finished all of it!" That's the only time I've seen such a feat. I'm a sucker for the eggs benedict and if you're a fan of slightly fried, slightly mushy, slightly salty, and 100% all delicious things, the potatoes that come with almost every meal are a godsend.
The service can run the gamut between "Holy crap, I can't believe there's already delicious food swirling in my mouth. It's almost like they beamed it there!" to, "Holy CRAP! I think I need to go change my Depends." (That last one works best if you're a senior citizen or an astronaut.) To make this unknown factor more fun and less annoying, place bets on the speed of your service before you arrive. Just don't try to tip your server with the potatoes. They may look like gaming chips, but let's not take this too far, shall we?