| - My wife and I had been thinking about trading my Camaro in for an SUV, so we just decided one day to shop around just to see what was out there.
We were met at the door by Justin (I think that was his name) and he was very nice, made small talk, asked us what we were looking for. After I told him, he started pushing us in the direction of the Juke and Rogue. We told Justin right off the bat when we came in that we were just looking, it was our first dealership and that we would not be buying today. He seemed totally fine with that and was happy to let us test drive until our heart was content. He was helpful, allowed us to check the price on the cars, and helped me figure out how much my trade in value would be on the Camaro.
Up to this point our visit had been pleasant.
Next, we were let into the glass "cube" sales area, where we were immediately made an offer on the Camaro by Justin's first manager. He seemed slick, talked really fast and was pretty pushy. He slid the paper over with the offer to me. First, we werent looking to buy that day. Second, I had done research on the Camaro trade in offer, and they were lowballing me by at least $3000-$4000. I could smell the shadiness from a mile away. I persisted in telling him that we were still looking around, and he kept on pushing me. I had to explain to him several times that we wanted to look around because it was a big investment.
Since the first manager had no dice, the second manager tagged in, and he was even more pushy. He slid a new offer over, still lowballing, and I still didnt want to buy today. He took that as me being a hard sell, instead of me not actually wanting to buy today. So in all, I explained to 3 different people no less than 6 times that I was not buying today and why. Eventually they did offer me a little over what the rest of the payoff was on the car, but again, I was not buying today because I had other dealerships to check out and other cars to test drive. I think in all, I had 5-6 different offers thrown at me, and each time I had to explain that I was not buying today. It's like they werent even listening.
The second manager persisted, and pushed, and prodded, and told me that I wasnt going to find a better deal, and that this deal wasnt going to be on the table tomorrow, and yadda yadda yadda. So my wife finally chimes in when she sees that I am starting to trip over my words because I am getting flustered, and the sales manager immediately shuts her down and says "Oh excuse me, I thought you were the main driver of the car?" Pointing to me. His TONE sounded to us like "your wife has no right to voice her opinion if she's not driving the car." I said "I am the main driver....but we are married and we both will be making payments on the car"
At this point, he questioned again why his offer wasnt good enough and why I wasnt buying today. I could feel the blood rushing to my head, and the manager said "So even if were to offer you more for the car, you wouldnt buy today? I got a guy who loves sports cars and is willing to buy it for X amount today. So if I got him to X amount, you still wouldnt buy today?" We were like...WHAT POINT OF NO DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!? Finally, he got the message, as we were walking out, Justin came out and apologized and said to let him know if we find something else we like at another dealer, and he would try to give us a better price.
Sorry Justin, but your managers ruined it for you. We probably would have came back if it wasnt for the pushy sales MANAGERS. Justin did a great job. It was the managers who ruined the experience, and I am sure he was the one who got yelled at for not making the sale.