After an ill-fated attempt to dine at the Cheesecake Factory, we wound up at Restoration Hardware. It's a joint that somehow blends furniture shopping with high-end dining, but I guess it works because the food was quite tasty.
I decided to go with the Turkey Club and I swapped out the fries for a salad.
First of all, it's an enormous sandwich. It comes cut in two and I would've been perfectly happy eating just half (and in fact, I wound up having to take the other half home). Though I was a little disappointed by the presence of deli-sliced turkey (rather than actual piece of turkey), this is a damn fine sandwich. The various components all work quite well together and the spread of avocado along the bottom ties the whole thing together.
The salad was pretty great, too. It's mixed greens topped with a subtle yet flavorful vinaigrette. (I liked that the greens were all cut down to bite size, which doesn't happen nearly enough.)
The service was friendly and efficient, and I'll definitely make it a point to return.