| - I was very pleased when I went to this store for a bra fitting. The staff member who helped me was very thorough and patient, and I left with a fairly pricy item, but was happy due to the fit.
I returned to the store a few weeks later with great hopes of a repeat experience. The staff member who helped me on this occasion was not rude, but left me with the distinct impression that she had better ways to spend her time. I had hoped to buy three or four bras, but after offering a few for me to try, the staff member seemed to give up, and told me that she would meet me at the cash. Okay, probably not the shrewdest of business practices. Off i trundled to the cash desk, where I added to my purchase a bottle of detergent. Fine and good. I paid without incident, but was somewhat confused when the cashier tucked the receipt (for over $250 !) into a fold of the transparent white tissue paper containing my new underwear. She noted my confused look, and feebly asked if I would rather keep the receipt in my wallet. No, I answered, but you will put them in a bag, won't you? A blank look ensued.
Oh, she replied, conjuring up some enthusiasm, we've decided to go green. Another big smile. We don't have any bags. That's okay, I replied, I don't mind paying for it in the least. No, she retorted, we don't have ANY bags. Our green policy forbids it. It you like, we have tote bags for sale. Hmmm, I thought. I really don't need another tote bag, but maybe if's it's really nice, I could use it to take my lunch to work. She gestured towards the wall where a stack of tote bags was suspended from a nail. On the front of each bag was a giant bra with the store name and logo surrounding it. It was as far from discreet as was technically possible. In other words, the picture of the bra was as big as they could have printed it while having the whole thing fit on the front of a bag. This option was not going to work. At any price.
In a last ditch attempt I asked the girl if they didn't have a garbage bag or a packaging bag that I could use to carry my new underwear and bottle of detergent home. I really didn't fancy the notion of walking to the subway, riding home, and walking past my doorman holding a tissue package full of bras. She shuffled around behind the counter for a moment or two, until a senior staff member gave her a dirty look, and she reported to me that there were simply no bags anywhere in the store, of any variety.
I walked to the Eglinton Centre, very self consciously, but couldn't face the remainder of the journey under such stress. I resorted to stopping in Metro to buy an unnecessary grocery item in order to obtain a bag. They didn't even charge me for it.
Tonight as I write this a jauntily packaged cardboard box is resting on my sofa. Within it are the new bras that I have ordered from a lovely shop in the US, and the best part: They came pre-packaged.