While the food is good, my experience with the wait staff was extremely disappointing. I was with a group of six so when the bill was brought to the table we added a 20% tip and divided by six. We each contributed the appropriate amount in cash and triple checked for accuracy. The busboy came and took the tray with the $168 in cash. Shortly afterward our waiter returned to the table and slammed the tray down, accusing use of not leaving him a tip. His voice was was so loud patrons at surrounding tables turned to view the scene. When we explained we had left him a substantial tip he all but called us liers. No matter how we explained what we thought had happened, the waiter refused to believe us and continued treating us rudely. One member of our group was so embarrassed over the incident, he left an additional $25.
Since the staff is mostly family, a customers explanation holds little valuevalue.
I seriously doubt I or my friends will ever return.